Mrs. Martin
First Grade Teacher
Favorite quotes:
For I am longing to see you so that I may share with you some spiritual gift to strengthen you”—
Romans 11:1
“If your world is night, shine your life like a light.” Indigo Girls
Why I teach: One of the reasons that I enjoy teaching is that moment you know you have reached a child in some way. The look of wonder on their faces is enough to keep me going! It brings such joy to watch the students grow spiritually, as well as emotionally and academically.
Education and Training: I am an alumnus of Bishop Lynch High School and Tarleton State University where I received a BS in Elementary Education, General Education 1-6
Where I have Lived: I have lived in Dallas my entire life!
My Professional Experience: I began my teaching career as a first-grade teacher for Garland ISD. I returned to the classroom as a tutor in Mesquite, before starting full-time at Saint Patrick Catholic School. After 9 years at Saint Patrick, I am happy to be teaching first grade at SJCS!
My Family: My husband, Joe, and I have been married for 25 years. We have two children. Meredith is a senior at the University of Texas at Austin, majoring in Geology, as well as receiving her teaching certificate. David is attending a program called Launch, that prepares young adults for living on their own. We have a very fat cat named Leo and a little mutt named Pepper.
Something you may not know about me: I am a long-distance runner. I have completed 12 marathons, including Boston. Although age and injuries have made me cut back on my mileage, I still run whenever I can.
Prayer for my Students
This is called a Student’s Prayer:
Loving Father, thank you that you are my creator, you know me better than anyone else. Help me to use the mind you have given me to learn and study effectively. May I learn with humility and grace. May I grow in wisdom as well as knowledge. Let me live a life of integrity in everything I do. May I grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To you be glory, both now and forever. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.